As I have found life to be cyclic I find myself oscillating back to very similar trends within my life that I am again thinking about. Things such as how
So in conclusion I would say that being able to disclose to those in my life whether that be loved ones or employer, it has been definitely to my benefit
So this blog is a little later than what I had anticipated. I have been integrating a wildly beautiful intimate ND relationship into my life. This along with the self-realisations
There are often times that I have used this phrase; “Sorry, that fell out of my face”. This is generally when I have overshared or been brutally honest about something.
I was going to write about spirituality this week. However due to the kind of week I’ve had I’ve decided that this week’s topic is going to be post diagnosis
One of the main reasons as to why I went down the route of diagnosis, was because of the string of failed relationships that I saw, and still see, behind
Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Unlike a large proportion of the Neurodivergent community I have a bit of an issue with rejection sensitive dysphoria. Whilst I wholly understand the concept and relate
For me, going by my intuition has been the best thing for keeping myself on a more emotional even keel. Throughout the years where I have suffered at the hands