As I have found life to be cyclic I find myself oscillating back to very similar trends within my life that I am again thinking about. Things such as how
So in conclusion I would say that being able to disclose to those in my life whether that be loved ones or employer, it has been definitely to my benefit
So this blog is a little later than what I had anticipated. I have been integrating a wildly beautiful intimate ND relationship into my life. This along with the self-realisations
So when I started my first job many years ago I was in Quality Control at a professional print lab as a photographic retoucher. Within this role what I needed
I had recently come across the understanding from a fellow ADHDer and medical person, Dr Hallowell, who explained about balance being good for resetting your cerebellum and therefore being beneficial
There are often times that I have used this phrase; “Sorry, that fell out of my face”. This is generally when I have overshared or been brutally honest about something.
Many years ago I crushed myself to be on time for things. I would stress myself out to the point of either making myself ill, tired, stressed and turning up