Mature Content Warning: This website may contain content of an adult nature. If you are easily offended or are under the age of 18, please exit now. The posts and pages within are intended for adults only. Reader discretion is advised.

These pages exist for regular takes on life after late diagnosis
ADHD Combined Type and Autism Spectrum Disorder as a woman in midlife.

Finding your collective, your network and connecting with others on the
same wavelength has helped me immensely.

Travel with me a while.
My Musings.
My Findings.
My Inspirations.
Something useful.

All content © YANA Gaia 2024

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Disclaimer: I am not a clinical practitioner. Any information shared within this blog is my own
personal experience, what works for me and things I have found useful.
Please see your GP for help if you suspect you are neurodivergent.

Privacy Policy

A Bi-Monthly blog on neurodiversity, spirituality, mindfulness,
alternative ideas and considered related content.